Wednesday, March 24, 2010

sometimes I really wish that...

my family lived close enough so the I could go see them on the weekend. have no idea how lucky you are.

life lesson #345

Never go grocery shopping when you are craving sweets...that is all you buy. I did redeem myself because I did buy oranges.
Sunday, March 21, 2010


So this past week has been a roller coaster of emotions. I needed sometime to refresh and regroup. So Friday night, I spend with Adobe Illustrator and some good music to clear my mind. Nothing more in this world brings me more happiness then opening up a clean artboard (while maybe my family, the gospel and crystal light). Friday night threw me right back to endless nights in room 210 working on the re[design] edition of the yearbook. OOO...How I love yearbook. Everything important that I learned in High School I learned in yearbook. Ms. V is my mentor. She has always pushed me to be better. To learn new techniques. Letting me make mistakes before she would step in to fix them. Giving me the reigns to run my staff as I wish and giving me complete design freedom. I'm so grateful for the love and support that she has shown me though out the last seven years that I have known her. We started off at Troy High School together. I was an awkward freshmen in her English class, she was a new graduate of UMich with a passion for teaching and English. When I walked into her classroom on the first day of my second semester, little did I know how much my life would be changed upside down. Through out the semester I was exposed to the life of a Yearbook student. I want to do it. Ms. V encouraged me to apply. I did and got in. WAHOOO! Back then, little did I know how much that decision would shape the rest of my life. The next three years I completely fell in love with designing and photography. I learned how to use InDesign, shop action midway through with a SLR, write an AP article, how to lead a group and organizational skills. These skill has stuck with me and influenced my career choice. I remember after my first semester at BYU, I went to talk to Ms. V. I was trying to determine what to major in. She calmly reminded me of my love for design and talents that I had. Again, she encouraged me apply to the Advertising program. As I was in the process of applying I was so grateful that I knew how to write in an active voice and how to make a photo transparent in InDesign. And to my surprise, I got in! I know that without yearbook, I wouldn't have applied and completely fallen in love with it. Now as I'm applying to the Art Director program, I again fall back to the skills that I learned from Ms. V. She didn't only teach me design. She always pushed me. She taught me about life. How to talk about difficult situations, how to handle disagreements, how to lead and how to compromise. Ms. V...thank you for everything you taught me. I'm so grateful that you accepted a dorky 13 year old to be a staffer for the Gladiator.
Friday, March 19, 2010

growing up means...

-taking a leap of faith (applying to be an art director)
-learning new things (swing dancing)
-budgeting (buying rent instead of buying clothes)
-taking responsibility (filling out the census and taxes)
-using time wisely (spending Friday night working on homework instead of playing)
-learning from past mistakes
Thursday, March 18, 2010

why easter is so great....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

st. patricks day

Gives everyone on campus an excuse to wear ridiculous outfits just because they are green. I've seen to many sparkle ties and oversize hats. Is this a common occurrence on other campus? Or is it one of the unique opportunities that is only available at BYU?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

taco bell

Being in college makes me really poor. really poor. So the only place I eat on campus is Taco Bell..Its super cheap. Don't judge me...I know that it gross. Normally I'm super self conscious about going there. What if someone see me and judges the fact that I'm eating two days worth of saturated fats in one meal? Or if one of my professors walks by and sees me as I spill some fire sauce on me? There is only person in this whole entire earth that I will go to Taco Bell with...Caroline. She doesn't judge me. Whatever I'm going to do come April when you are back in Michigan? Please stay and eat gross amounts of fake cheese with me?
Thursday, March 11, 2010


I wear the exact same thing. Skinny Jeans, my red converses, a man's v neck t shirt, a cardigan and a scarf. Sometimes Caroline and I are twinners. What I'm going to do in the summer?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

groupie...ahhh no...friends

My mother has turned into a groupie. The Fictionist, a semi-well known band in Provo, is touring the Midwest. They ended up crashing at Mike and Emily's housing for two days while they earned enough money to continue on their adventures. All of the band members are LDS and Mike was their Young Men's leader. My Mother and her two really good friends went to their show in a dumpy Detroit bar. Mind you...these three gals are a little different then the typical bar crowd. Three LDS, non drinking, moms. They rock. After the show, my mother walked up to one of the band members and said that they found themselves three new groupies. He hesitated and said "Groupies...ahhh no...Friends...YES!" Turns out some of them went to high school with some of my cousins. My mother gossiped with them. The next night, they played a house show at the Andersons. So funny. I guess my little brother entertained all with the running man. Before the Band left for their next stop, my mother packed them lunches, made them cookies and found them a place to stay in New York.

Check out their stuff...Its pretty good.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010


My shopping vice is glasses. Currently I own 11 pairs, ranging from highlighter orange, zebra print, argyle and purple plaid. They are the perfect accessory. Everyone should own at least one funky pair. Love them so much. Here is where I order them. Enjoy!
Monday, March 8, 2010

swing kid in the making...maybe

So I have this friend and he takes me swing dancing. If anyone knows me, they would laugh at this statement. He always laughs at me because I don't have any "talent show" talents. I'm not musically inclined, can't move my hips or juggle sharp objects. He takes me anyways. At first it was really awkward. I have no idea what I'm doing. But I soon came to the realization that the leads will throw the follows where ever they want (See...I've even picked up the lingo). It's all about fakin' it and having fun. The Swing Kids (as they call themselves) are a funny group of people. The girls are awesome...all really down to earth and fun. The boys on the other hand are a different story. They are like the dorky boys in your chemistry but the second they step on the dance floor they have this ultra ego that comes alive. People get into with costumes and crazy trick! And they dance till all hours of the night. After the dance, they go the the Malt Shoppe for more dancing. MORE! This happens Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday night. Repeat. Overall, I'm considering selling my soul to this.