Friday, January 30, 2009

15 Minute Mommy

My senior year of high school my mock award from Water Polo was "15 Minute Mommy." Earlier in year, for my Embryology class we had to incubate chicken eggs using our own body heat. Before school, I got my egg and wrapped it in a sock then put it in a mitten. In first hour, I had to take a test. I was super stressed over it. About 10 minutes into, I put my thumb through my egg. Needless to say I've never heard the end of that. 

Today I had another 15 minute Mommy moment. I was babysitting for my cousin while she had to do some interviews. I stepped out of her apartment and got locked out. Matyas was asleep in his room. Panicking I ran over to where she was working. I banged on the door, but she didn't answer. I didn't have my cellphone to call either. I then ran to the office of her complex and frantically explained my situation. Lucky they believed me and gave me a key. Matyas had no idea that I was even gone. 

I've basically decided that I'm not ready to be responsible for anyone but me. Motherhood will just have to wait a little longer. Maybe until I can keep a chicken alive for more then 15 minutes. 
Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm growing up

I filled out my own tax returns and I'm worried about car insurance. gross!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Recently I've been thinking about happiness. I've just realized that I can choose to be happy or be miserable. I choose to be happy. 

Things that make me happy:
Talking to my Mom
Mission Prep with good friends
Nerf Guns
Hugs from Rach
Dance Parties
Long Drives
White Boards
Communication Classes
Talking to my Dad
Letters from Missionaries
Teaching Swim Lessons

The only thing that brings me true happiness is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is Heavenly Father's plan of happiness. Through it we are able to return to him with our families. Without the Gospel in my life I know that I would never experience true happiness. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm pretty sure that...

I'm going take a semester off and teach English to kids in Mexico! 
Monday, January 26, 2009

In My Opinion

Top 10  Class at BYU

1. American Heritage
Amazing class. It was fascinating to learn how history, economics and politics all came together to create our country. 

2. Comms 275-Intro to Advertising 
Tons of fun. I got to take all of the principals that I learn and put them together in a final campaign. Defiantly convinced me to major in advertising. 

3. English 150-Writing and Rhetoric 
So much more then your average English class. We focused on how to persuade people using words and that Rhetoric is all around you.

4. Dance 170-World Dance
I'm an awful dancer, but it was tons of fun. I gained an appreciation of dance and cultures. 

5. Exercise Science 155-Rape Aggression Defense
I took it with two super awesome girls. We got to dress up in marshmallow suits and beat up police officers. 

6.Rel C 342-LDS History 1845-1900
Sis. Black is an amazing teacher. It was super fun to learn about a time period that is not typically talked about a ton. 

7. Honors 100-Freshman Honors Experience
My class was all on decision making. I learned life skills and it was fun to listen to others points of view. 

8. Exercise Science 278-Water Safety Instructor Training
Loved my teacher. I love the pool. period. 

9. Rel C 261-Family History Genealogy
I learned how to research and then applied it an found out a ton about my family. 

10. Comms 211-News Writing
It was super fun writing news stories. 

Worst Classes at BYU

1. Chem 105-General College Chemistry
I'm just not cut out for chemistry

2. Comms 101-Mass Communication and Society
The class is so dry it makes most run from the comms department. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today, Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. Such an exciting time to be an American.
Check out this way fun website
It lets you make your own version of Shepard Fairey's iconic Obama poster

For Halloween, I was the "Change You Can Believe In"

For Christmas, My Dad bought me this wonderful number at the Ghetto store downtown. 

Monday, January 19, 2009

harry potter glasses

So-This morning I get up and go to put my contacts in (which are vital, since I can't see two inches in front of my face without them). To my horror, my right one was torn. Normally, that won't be a big deal, I would just open another pair. But I left all of my extra contact in Michigan. My Dad spent to them to me on Thursday, meaning that they will be here on Tuesday. So this left me with two options: walk around blind until they got here or pull out an old broken pair of glasses. I chose the later. At first I tried to fix them with hot glue, but that didn't work. So before church, Ashley and I made a quick stop to the grocery store were I picked up some Krazy Glue. Unfortunately that idea didn't work and I ended up gluing my fingers to my glasses. As a last resort I taped them together, Harry Potter style. It worked. I just have two more days of wearing lopsided glasses that give me a headache b/c its they are the wrong prescription. Oh the joys of being in college. 

What could be better then lopsided Harry Potter glasses? 

My poor glasses and my messy room
Thursday, January 15, 2009

breakfast at tiffany's

Monday, January 12, 2009


January: Started teaching water aerobics at the Provo Rec Center and called as the Publicity Co-Chair
February: When home with Rachel to Idaho,
March: Spent Easter in Moab with my Cousins
April: Finals, came Home
May: Started teaching swim lessons for Troy School District and TFAC, called as Beehive Adviser, Had my first nanny job and adventure with mice
June: Went to Girls Camp with all the girls in my Family
July: Family Reunion in Cali
August: Started RA training
September: Turned 19, Mom and Dad came and visited me for my Birthday, got to go with Austin to the MTC, started take a ton of communication classes
October: Football games and HALLOWEEN!!!
November: A short lived relationship, when to Ashley's grandparents house for Thanksgiving
December: Turned in my ad book, started working on my application to ad program, Temple Square lights, Finals, an adventure getting home, and Pistons game w/ little bros