Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Avoiding Homework

1 - Go to Wikipedia. Hit “random”
or click http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random
The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to Quotations Page and select "random quotations"
or click http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3
The last four or five words of the very last quote on the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Go to Flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

Amped presents "A Nation By Advertisement"

Now if only homework was this fun
Monday, February 23, 2009

Lauren Wreckage

My parents always joke that they know exactly what I do when I get home. They can tell where I was, what I had to eat and who I was with by my "Lauren Wreckage." Keeping my stuff together and organized has never been one of my strong points. My Mom feels really sorry for my future husband. Since leaving home, I have grown up some. I contain the mess to my room. You can look at my desk and know my new favorite snack food. You can look on my bed and see what tests I have coming up. You can look at my floor and tell the weather from what clothes are there. One day I hope to stay organized, but today is not the day. 
Saturday, February 21, 2009

We love Elder Dungan!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Most Amazing Weekend EVER!

This weekend was the most fun I have had in a long time! It was a three day weekend filled with oddles of fun. 
My cousin Kayci from California came!!!! I love her. When went up to Draper and met our other cousin Elise there. We went to the Temple Open House. It was amazing. As I was walking through the Bride's Dressing Room, I realized that there is no where else I want to be married then in the house of the Lord for eternity. It was really cool. The temple is the most gorgeous place in the whole world. I can wait to go through and learn.

Kayci and I headed home for a rockin' night full of ice cream, dancing, picture taking and movies. 


My acceptance letter

Kayci and I drove up to Ogden to help with Elise's 3rd grade class Valentine's Day Party. Kids are so funny!

Kayci and I playing games with Elise's students

We are going to send this to Austin 

We then all headed back to Provo and we made this amazing video for my cousin Austin who is on his mission in Belgium (I'll post it later). Kayci then left us to see some old friends. Elise and I proceeded to head to DI where we picked up some cool 80's outfits.  Then went to the local grocery store to show off our awesomeness. 

Some boys in my ward made breakfast for my apartment. It was super yummy and tons of fun. Then Elise and I went sledding with some peeps from my ward. It was the best sledding trip I have ever been on. The snow was perfect. It wasn't to cold. It was oddles of fun. The best was when we had a train of seven tubes with fourteen people on them. 

Lauren, Me and Jessi sledding!
That night I had to get all dressed up and go to the RHA Invitational. I love getting dressed up. So FUN!

Elise left :( I'm super excited to spend four months with her in Mexico! Her and I are driving to Cali for April's Wedding in March. I basically love her to death. I then when to church and took a nap. Kayci came back. We just chilled and talk. We also had some fun with makeup. We busted out High School Mystery Date and had some fun. Some of Kayci's friends came over and played guitar and sang. 

Kayci and I got up early to go to the Shade $5 sale. We fought off some old ladies and got some awesome stuff. Kayci then left me. Sad Day. I then caught up on some thing. I got to visit some friends. 

Basically I have the coolest family EVER. You should be jealous, extremelly jealous. My cousins are my bestest friends in the whole wide world. Even though we live really far away we are super tight. 


Friday, February 6, 2009


1. My middle name is Liverpool. I love it!!!! My parents met there while serving their missions. I can't wait to name my first girl Liv.

2. I absolutely hate the dentist. I brush my teeth a million times a day so I won't have cavities because I'm scared to have them filled.

3. My room looks like a tornado when through it. No matter how hard I try I can't keep it clean.

4. When I was little I sat on my Dad's Emmy Award and the wing broke off and ended up in my butt. I have a lovely scar to prove it.

5. I love the smell of chlorine. It really calming and makes me focus. Sometimes I'll go sit in the bleachers of the RB Pool to study. 

6. Everything important that I learned in High School, I learned in Yearbook. 

7. I love designing. Nothing makes me happier then a blank InDesign pages. 

8. My ultimate dream job would to be a high school yearbook teacher. 

9.When I can't sleep at night, I pull out my pink sleeping bag and sleep on the floor.

10. I miss teaching little kids how to swim and old ladies water aerobics. If I could I would spend the rest of my life guarding and teaching.

11. The only way that I make it through a long lecture is by drawing pictures and taking notes in purple pen.

12. I'm the world's worst speller. I will not write on a chalk board. In elementry school I dreaded spelling bees. In fourth grade I was so scared of them, my teacher would let me go to the principle's office instead. 

13. I love wearing different color eyeliner. My personal favorite is turquoise.

14. Dance parties make everything better.

15. Ocean Shores is the best place in the whole world, second to Union, Oregon. 

16. My cousins are my bestest friends in the whole wide world!

17. I love Bollywod. The music is awesome and the dance moves are even better. 

18. My room is decorated in pirate stuff. 

19. Growning up I had three set of tubes. I still get several ear infections a year.  My ENT said that I had the highest pain threshhold he had ever seen. Most of the time I wouldn't even complain until they were super nasty infections. I can't take amoxicillin anymore because I've had it too much. 
20. I listen to NPR to fall asleep at night. 

21. During finals I live off of hot chocolate and Swedish fish

22. I call my Mom 5 times a day.

23. In order to fall asleep I need my fish pillow, my aloha blanket and my hat pillow.

24. I always carry my Nalgene with me. 

25. I love life!!!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Check it Out

Some of my old stuff from my senior year of yearbook was published. Check it out!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009


My uncle Carl callBolds me this. I love him. He is about the coolest Uncle anyone could have. When I was little he would let me drink Mountain Dew. He would take me to work with him and show me all the cool birds. I remember going camping and going fishing with him. He would give me fish head to suck on and tell me they were popsicles

This is what my family call me. It's my favorite. Especially when I call home to talk to Jackson. He always yells "LOOOOOOJOOOOOO!" Dang, I love that boy. 

Caroline and Ali call me this. I love those girls and all the craziness that comes with them. Together we are JoJo, Cizzle and Adawg

My manager, Jay,  from the Troy Community Center Indoor Pool calls me this. I think that it sound like a superhero. 

So my middle name is Liverpool and one of my teacher found this out. She is from England and decided to call me Liv. 

My newest nickname, complements of Jordan.