Friday, February 19, 2010

does life get any better then....

an evening of Ice Staking, friends, brownies and passion fruit tea. I love Even Lysacek and Shaun White.
Saturday, February 13, 2010

recent stuff

Here is some of my recent advertising stuff that I added to my portfolio. They were inspired by my ode to smartwater.
The more stuff I do, the more I realize how much I love what I do. I'm starting to develop my own style and its fun.


I have a new obsession...painting. I love it. It helps me release stress and gets my creative juices flowing. I'm not very good at all, but i love it. Here are some of my recent creations.
First I took the black paint and painted abstract curves and lines. Then I took some of the plain melted wax and dripped in on the top of it to add textures. Next I mixed the melted wax and crayons to get the colors. The last step was to add the beads and wax into the hot wax to give it more texture. I love the finish product. It is hanging in our living room (And you get to check our lovely wood paneling).
This next one I watered down acrylic paints and then used a blow dryer to move the paint around the canvas. To give it texture, there are layers of my Spanish book, foil and toilet paper.
This last one I used a water bottle lid as my paintbrush.

I know that they are all abstract and they may not be your cup of tea, but I love them.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

career change...

advertising is too stressful. I think that I'm going to be an airline pilot or maybe a donut maker. or not. I guess that I'll stick with advertising.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

life as an advertising major...

So my life this semester is jammed pack with advertising classes. It's my life. Full of rejected ideas and lots of number crunching. In my creative concepts class, we are cranking out an ad a week. stressful, but I love it. Advertising is by far the coolest major on-campus. The people are cool, the classes are fun, alot of work, but it's great!
Here is what I turned in last week for Gorilla Glue