Monday, October 13, 2008

For the Record

I'm Swedish. I grew up celebrating St. Lucia Day and big fish dinners. Christmas decorations consisted of straw goats, Swedish Flag garlands and red dala horses. When I was little I was bitter of all the colorful bulbs that my friends put on their trees. But now that I have grown a foot I absolutely love it!

So the name of my blog "
Livet är Vackert" means Life is Beautiful in Swedish. I love every onuce of Swedish blood that runs through me! and life is so beautiful!


Rachel said...

Hey, that means that our blog titles are the same!
I just love your excitement for your heritage and family traditions! It reminds me of the American Girl books about Kirsten, who is Swedish, and has St. Lucia day!
You're so cheerful, I love it! :)