1. My middle name is Liverpool. I love it!!!! My parents met there while serving their missions. I can't wait to name my first girl Liv.
2. I absolutely hate the dentist. I brush my teeth a million times a day so I won't have cavities because I'm scared to have them filled.
3. My room looks like a tornado when through it. No matter how hard I try I can't keep it clean.
4. When I was little I sat on my Dad's Emmy Award and the wing broke off and ended up in my butt. I have a lovely scar to prove it.
5. I love the smell of chlorine. It really calming and makes me focus. Sometimes I'll go sit in the bleachers of the RB Pool to study.
6. Everything important that I learned in High School, I learned in Yearbook.
7. I love designing. Nothing makes me happier then a blank InDesign pages.
8. My ultimate dream job would to be a high school yearbook teacher.
9.When I can't sleep at night, I pull out my pink sleeping bag and sleep on the floor.
10. I miss teaching little kids how to swim and old ladies water aerobics. If I could I would spend the rest of my life guarding and teaching.
11. The only way that I make it through a long lecture is by drawing pictures and taking notes in purple pen.
12. I'm the world's worst speller. I will not write on a chalk board. In elementry school I dreaded spelling bees. In fourth grade I was so scared of them, my teacher would let me go to the principle's office instead.
13. I love wearing different color eyeliner. My personal favorite is turquoise.
14. Dance parties make everything better.
15. Ocean Shores is the best place in the whole world, second to Union, Oregon.
16. My cousins are my bestest friends in the whole wide world!
17. I love Bollywod. The music is awesome and the dance moves are even better.
18. My room is decorated in pirate stuff.
19. Growning up I had three set of tubes. I still get several ear infections a year. My ENT said that I had the highest pain threshhold he had ever seen. Most of the time I wouldn't even complain until they were super nasty infections. I can't take amoxicillin anymore because I've had it too much.
20. I listen to NPR to fall asleep at night.
21. During finals I live off of hot chocolate and Swedish fish
22. I call my Mom 5 times a day.
23. In order to fall asleep I need my fish pillow, my aloha blanket and my hat pillow.
24. I always carry my Nalgene with me.
25. I love life!!!!