Wednesday, February 4, 2009


My uncle Carl callBolds me this. I love him. He is about the coolest Uncle anyone could have. When I was little he would let me drink Mountain Dew. He would take me to work with him and show me all the cool birds. I remember going camping and going fishing with him. He would give me fish head to suck on and tell me they were popsicles

This is what my family call me. It's my favorite. Especially when I call home to talk to Jackson. He always yells "LOOOOOOJOOOOOO!" Dang, I love that boy. 

Caroline and Ali call me this. I love those girls and all the craziness that comes with them. Together we are JoJo, Cizzle and Adawg

My manager, Jay,  from the Troy Community Center Indoor Pool calls me this. I think that it sound like a superhero. 

So my middle name is Liverpool and one of my teacher found this out. She is from England and decided to call me Liv. 

My newest nickname, complements of Jordan.