Monday, June 28, 2010

are they getting married?

another fabulous weekend. I spent time with some fun people. 
Thursday: Drove up to Rexburg to hang out with Kayci. 
Friday: Bajios, Drove down to SLC, saw Melissa and family, Ikea, Art Fest, Gateway, Diet Coke on the Captial Steps
Saturday: Fabric Store, Horchata, avoiding cleaning my room, Manti Pageant, Football and Frisbee
Sunday: Church, Roommate Time, arts and crafts, and the Gathering (aka Desert and me I got my flirt on)

At the pageant on Saturday, A little boy yelled out in the middle of the show "Are they getting married?" about the actors. Fabulous. Marie gave me a bloody noise as we fought over fruit snacks. 

Posted via email from Soy LJ...