Sunday, August 29, 2010


Dear FEC, 
    Please just love me. Love me even when I burn your grill cheese. Love me when I ruin your favorite shirt. Love me when the house is a mess. If I'm angry, mad, sad or stressed just hold me. I'm a crier. It makes me feel better. Don't try and fix it. Just tell me that you love me. Please go on bike rides with me and laugh at me when I wear tie dye and a poka dot skirt to church. Understand that my family is crazy. But they are everything I've got. My cousins are my best friends. I need to see them at least once a year. I also run on sunshine and Diet Coke. The ocean makes me happy. So does jumping on the bed. The Gospel brings me joy. I hope it makes you happy too. I want to have a square dance for our wedding reception. Complete with a caller. I sleep with a stuffed animal fish. I like NPR. I like to think that I can dance. I really like trashy TV. I hope after you read this you will still love me. In return, I promise to love you, grow old with you and to improve my cooking skills. 

The Future Mrs. Lauren

Posted via email from Soy LJ...


kayci dia said...

I would hope we would get to see each other more than once a year...

Rachel Ann said...

this is amazing. i love it. i also love your face. which i still have not seen. can we fix that please? yes? good.