My senior year of high school my mock award from Water Polo was "15 Minute Mommy." Earlier in year, for my Embryology class we had to incubate chicken eggs using our own body heat. Before school, I got my egg and wrapped it in a sock then put it in a mitten. In first hour, I had to take a test. I was super stressed over it. About 10 minutes into, I put my thumb through my egg. Needless to say I've never heard the end of that.
Today I had another 15 minute Mommy moment. I was babysitting for my cousin while she had to do some interviews. I stepped out of her apartment and got locked out. Matyas was asleep in his room. Panicking I ran over to where she was working. I banged on the door, but she didn't answer. I didn't have my cellphone to call either. I then ran to the office of her complex and frantically explained my situation. Lucky they believed me and gave me a key. Matyas had no idea that I was even gone.
I've basically decided that I'm not ready to be responsible for anyone but me. Motherhood will just have to wait a little longer. Maybe until I can keep a chicken alive for more then 15 minutes.