Monday, January 12, 2009


January: Started teaching water aerobics at the Provo Rec Center and called as the Publicity Co-Chair
February: When home with Rachel to Idaho,
March: Spent Easter in Moab with my Cousins
April: Finals, came Home
May: Started teaching swim lessons for Troy School District and TFAC, called as Beehive Adviser, Had my first nanny job and adventure with mice
June: Went to Girls Camp with all the girls in my Family
July: Family Reunion in Cali
August: Started RA training
September: Turned 19, Mom and Dad came and visited me for my Birthday, got to go with Austin to the MTC, started take a ton of communication classes
October: Football games and HALLOWEEN!!!
November: A short lived relationship, when to Ashley's grandparents house for Thanksgiving
December: Turned in my ad book, started working on my application to ad program, Temple Square lights, Finals, an adventure getting home, and Pistons game w/ little bros