Tuesday, May 4, 2010


During my morning stroll through my daily reads, I found this blog. Hilarious. Reading it took me back to my days in Mexico. Holidays revolve around pinatas. No matter how old you are, you are expected to take a turn whacking at it while everyone screams at the top of their lungs this song...

"Dale, dale, dale.
No pierdas el tino.
Porque si lo pierdes.
Pierdes el camino.
Ya le diste una.
Ya le diste dos.
Ya le diste tres.
Y tu tiempo se acabó."

Translating to

"Hit it, hit it, hit it.
Don’t lose your aim.
Because if you lose it.
You lose the way.
You hit it once.
You hit it twice.
You hit it three times.
And your time is up."

One time we when to a young single adult dance in December. There were literally seven pinatas and 20+ year olds trampling each other for peanuts and chili candy. Mexican don't have a sweet tooth, they like everything with chili.

For Christmas they make clay pinatas. They were scary and posed the question "Do I want to get shards of clay in my eyes and get the best candy, or wait till I'm save from the shrapnel and get suck with crap?" Think about it.

P.S. I battled the clay.

Posted via email from Soy LJ...