Thursday, December 30, 2010

to all those critical of advertising...Happy (belated) Christmas!


Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Christmas Bomb

Every year on Christmas Eve, the 40+ members of the extended Johansson Family gather in my Grandparents' small ranch and have a Swedish fish dinner.  
Whole sardines, lumpfish cabiar, crayfish, lax and the worst, Lutfisk. The fish has an eight-month journey before getting to my plate.  This process includes being dried, soaked in lye, packed in salt and being buried underground for six months. The end product is a clear, jelly-like consistency fish with a pH value of 12. 

But the whole evening is redeemed, The cousin gift exchange. This year I made these for my six month old cousin. 

It's totally chaos and disorder. The living room looks like a Christmas Bomb. 

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Merry Christmas

Santa was good to me. I got everything I wanted and more. Today we get to talk to Caj in Argentina. It will be a good day.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The one thing I learned this semester

Christmas Decortations

I got in a three way fight between a Christmas tree, lights and me. The Christmas tree won. I have wounds to prove it.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010


I have this roommate. Her name is Alyssa. We are the bestest of friends. We met in August and thing went from there. We scheme and plot a lot. Once she stole my cellphone so I had a reason to go over to a certain apartment. 

These two pictures are taken after knowing each other for less then 24 hours and we are already plotting something. 

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Megan's Boyfriend

For our final in my creative writing class, we wrote a collaborative story. Enjoy!

Megan’s boyfriend

Warren had a crush on an animated character—an animated toy character. In his defense, her freckles were pretty cute. But on that dank-basement, rainy afternoon, I refused to watch the movie a sixth time.

Warren scratched himself. “Umm! I can’t believe you won’t watch the movie!”

I tapped my pencil on the table, watching his spittle fleck her picture in his Trapper Keeper. “Wow. I can’t believe you’re a freshman. . . . No—I can believe it.”

“Wait, who’s a freshman,” Gary said as he walked into the rumpus room chomping on a carrot. “Gladiator anyone,” he held up a handful of DVDs. He sniffed. “Who killed Dean?”

“It’s Warren about his anime girl again.”

“The smell?”

“Did you know carrots are supposed to help your vision?” Gary said, giving that cross-eyed look that he used to defy his coke bottle glasses and stick it to the optometrist his mother had been dating.

“Is your mother still dating that obstetrician you got your glasses from? I haven’t seen Dean in days,” I said.

Optometrist!”  Gary said. “You two are a couple of jackwagons.”

“Opta-what?” I said. “what-jack?” Warren.

He dabbed at his beard. “Your mom’s hot. Do you think she’d maybe want to watch the movie?”

“Warren! Don’t make me get the umbrella.”

Warren glanced furtively at Gary. “How can you say that after what happened to Dean?” he whispered.

The couch cushion twitched, and Warren’s eyes got big, and Gary’s carrot fell out of his mouth and onto the couch. Out popped Dean.

“You dang skunk!”

And little Deans. All going for the carrot.


Warren tactfully set aside his girlfriend binder.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Great Ketchup Massacre

“We are sad to admit that we have run out of ketchup packets due to the massacre that occurred earlier and to the rumor that Chuck Norris was here, that is indeed false. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your time at BEE LINE BOWL.”


Thanks to that massacre, I’m stuck here and not there with Summer Summerhays. Yep. My life sucks.


 BEE LINE BOWL is not the ideal summer job. The mix of three-day-old smoke, faded avocado green, paper-thin, capert, fake leather, sticky floors, harsh lighting and bad 80’s love ballads aren’t easy on the senses.  Andy was off in Egypt, digging up mummies and mackin’ on hott foreign girls. James was offered an internship at the MoMA. Me, all I’ve got is the BEE LINE, cheap domestic beer and Summer. But I don’t have Summer yet. That’s in the works.


But this massacre is tramping my style. Literally. My white Vans now are stained a nice blood red.


Why today? Another day would have been fine. But today, Kid Rock is in town. I planned on skipping the fence to enjoy the sounds of “Mississippi, Jackson” fill the thick, sticky night air. With Summer in tow. Tonight was the night I was going to make the move. Our lips would intertwine and swap spit. But no, stuck here. Picking up hundreds of empty ketchup packets.


The kid wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“Do you have any ketchup bottles?”

“Nope, Buddy. Only the packets.”


“I don’t know. That’s the way the boss man wants it.”

“Well. I don’t like ketchup in a packet. Mom says that it causes cancer.”

“Sorry to hear that. But that is all we have.”

“I will be back. And it won’t be pretty.”


Whatever. How much harm can a pretentious eight year old do?

Turns out a lot.


Here I’m, after hours and the soapy mop water resembles tomato soup. The boss man blamed this whole predicament on me.  Threatened to fire me if the BEE LINE is not back into shape in time for the Bending Babes practice in the morning. Good thing I only have 5 hours left and there is no way that all the ketchup is going to be out from the nooks in the ceiling.


Tomorrow will bring a lost job and lost chances with a girl. But hey, at least I went out with a bang. Guess the Chuck Norris signature will fund the next week of beer.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

End of semester

Its killing me. I'm surviving on roommate love and Diet Coke. Here is a sneak peak at my book. Look for more later this week. 

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With your clothes on

From Droga 5. Brillant.

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thought of You

Done by Ryan Woodward. Amazing.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Beetles

My middle name is Liverpool. So everyone expects that I love the Beetles. I guess that I do, just to keep everyone happy. But this poster by Maxim Dalton is pretty sweet.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

harry pupper


you can define the season

by the color of the leaves

by the holiday decorations

by the weather

by the drink of choice at starbucks

and by the color of nail polish on my toes

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We need a little Christmas...

That's what Tucker's shirt said. Mine stated "Right this very minute." Our shirt were the hit of the ward Christmas party. They even had a flying guitar and jingle bells. We even wore matching matching shoes. 

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My life is full of incredible blessings and people. lucky to be alive.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

california bound

Thursday, November 18, 2010

You should be jealous

In celebration of Harry Pothead 7th movies (thats what we called it in our house) BYU played the theme song every hour instead of "Come, Come Ye Saints." Epic win.

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3rd grade love

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I know that I'm super busy when I haven't blogger in forever and I have over a 1000 unread posts in my Google Reader. I just need to get through these next four day then California for a week with my cousins and aunts and uncles and grandma. But I might end up stuck in Donner's Pass. 

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Sunday, November 14, 2010


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Thursday, November 11, 2010

a love story

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

man power

Today, Taralyn got a distress call. "QUICK! We are trying empty the Frosty machine at Wendy's. Bring man power."

So we went. And succeeded. Our contribution of two medium and two small Frosties did the trick. 

This is the kind of thing only happens in Provo. 

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Monday, November 8, 2010

perfect logic

My little brother is on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Argentina. This week he sent us this jem. 

"this week we also gave a book of mormon and a plan of salvation pamphlet to the president of argentina, whose husband just died. well actually a member gave it to her, but we gave it to the member, so basically we gave it to the president"

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I want this

Friday, November 5, 2010

leap of faith

I feel like this is my future.

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happy guy fawkes day!

Go start a big bonfire and set off some fireworks.

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

my future.

Becca, Taralyn and I will spend our evenings swinging on the front porch, drinking tea and laughing at others. I like the way that sounds. 

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

be a rockstar

student life

Life as an advertising student is fabulous. Here are the happenings of my past week.
  1. Bought 5 gallons of Green Banana paint
  2. Painted a studio floor white
  3. Learned to spackle and paint
  4. Pushed a moving wall
  5. Feed a 1600 lb cow
  6. Ate massive amounts of Pringles from a trash bag
  7. Dressed up as a Rappin' Hamster for Halloween
  8. Talked to an Art Director at CPB
Yes. I love my life.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Kanye East endorses Tipping Bucket. You should too.

Vote for Tipping Bucket by texting 104182 to Pepsi (73774)
LJ Johansson

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

happy halloween

from Dorothy, Alice in Wonderland and Pocahontas. 

Halloween happen to fall on Sunday, So my roommates and I dressed up in church-appropriate costumes. 

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

its official...

summer is over. the pool is closed and the mountains have snow on them. 

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Monday, October 25, 2010

melting pumpkins

Dear Residents at Campus Plaza who carved their pumpkins too early,
   You mothers sure didn't teach you well. You shouldn't crave your pumpkins till the week before Halloween. Any sooner they become moldy bombs that melt away in the hot afternoon sun. Everyday on the walk to school, I have to pass at least four bombs. They make me want to vomit. Please take care of them before we have to clean up throw up as well. That is all. 


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Saturday, October 23, 2010

despicable me

when and saw despicable me at the dollar theater tonight (a provo treasure). That movie was jammed packed with quotes. I can't wait to watch it with my little brothers. Its just ten times funnier what things with little kids. 

This was my favorite line. 

Aww man.. My catapillar never turned into a butterfly. 

That's a cheeto. 

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

back in the old days


Spent today spackling, priming and painting a wall. Yep...that was my homework.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010


drives me crazy. crazy. I miss my advertising classes. And I just found a sprinkle in my hair. 

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Monday, October 18, 2010

most frustrating critic

"I like the concept, but I think that the executions can be pushed." 

Its what everyone says when they don't like an idea, but don't know how to put it. 

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Sunday, October 17, 2010


Trying to shove 20 Milk Duds in your mouth is not a pretty sight. 

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mad men

No...I don't watch Mad Men. I wish I had time. But my mother does.

"I started watching Mad Men and now I finally understand what a Copy Writer does."

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Friday, October 15, 2010


Perfect example of how advertising becomes part of American culture. Love it.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New apartment rules

No running
No jumping
No shouting
No squealing
No hollering
No snooping
No spying
No arguing
No fighting
No cheating at games
No talking back to nanna
No breaking other people's toys
No grumping
No crying
No fibbing
No tickling people when they say no
No staying up late
and absolutely no head-butting.

My roomies compared me to a 21 year-old Junie B. Jones. 

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Here is the feedback from my workshop in class today. I read a poem about having a crush on a boy. 
"The subject itself is fine, if not a bit played out. Then again, the the reality of stomach butterflies will never go away for as long as humans are around, so I suppose we could just keep writing about it until the end of time and it would still hold the same power. From here I'm really not sure what else to say. It is what it is; a raw interpretation of anxiety over a meeting with a crush. If I were to say something, it would be that it seems like the feeling of the piece is a little weak. Your goal in writing a poem of this sort should be to get the reader to feel the same as you do about this thing, and I don't quite feeling like it's doing that. Perhaps I just haven't had a serious crush in a long time and am having hard time recalling the exhilaration, but I'm not feeling any excitement from this. All in all, the poem is fine. It's a simple snapshot of something that we as humans are predisposed to experiencing, and in that it serves it's purpose well."

Can you say vindictive, spinster? 

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Monday, October 11, 2010


I'm going to be a rappin' hamster. 

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my life through texts

Me to Dad: "Detroit didn't make the list of top ten places to raise an LDS family outside of Utah"

Me: I should of listened to you about the robot pants
Taralyn: Did you go to campus in them?!
Me: Lucky no. FB came over I didn't have the the guts to out from the back because I was wearing them. 
Taralyn: Oh dear. Hate to say I told ya so. 

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

jump on the bandwagon

Saturday, October 9, 2010


This is my little brother Jackson. He fell out of a tree. Isn't he the saddest kid you ever did see? According to him, "Its a very deep bone bruise." He is fine. 

He is going to be a mailbox for Halloween. 

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Friday, October 8, 2010

thanks andy warhol for this advice

Thursday, October 7, 2010


The man behind Gatorade Replay, Brent Anderson came and talked to the BYU AdLab. Afterwards he did portfolio reviews. He told me that I'm a good writer. 

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This year Valentine's Day fell on Game Day. Puma created a solution. 

Brought to you by the brilliant people at Droga 5. 

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a vote please?

I like the use of Helvetica, but not feeling the small box.
What are your feeling?

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I stole these post from our family blog

I never get to see the kids playing in the evening because I am working the 11pm Newscast.   Apparently I am missing quite a bit of fun.   This is what I saw laying on the front lawn next to the sidewalk this morning.

It’s a pair of roller blades, a superhero cape and a stuff to make a ramp.

Dad misses another seemingly epic evening

As mentioned before, because I work the night shift I miss playing with the kids in the evening.    Once again, judging by the artifacts left overnight on the lawn, I missed a great time.    Here’s what I found this morning scattered across the front yard this morning when I went out to purchase a diet Cola Beverage at 7-11.

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Monday, October 4, 2010


Here are just a few of my favorite quotes from the AdWeek.

"Be a place that allows the best people to do the best creative work possible" W+K

"All good ideas start somewhere" W+K

"Make the most of the experiences you are given" mcgarrybowen

"Create movements with a purpose" Droga 5

"Reach people where they are" Droga 5

"Do the right thing for the brand" Naked

"There is a better way. People are your partner. Everything Communicates. See the full picture." Naked

"Be humble to ideas" McCann

"Tell an interesting story" McCann 

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the mecca.

I took a trip. Not any trip. This was a trip with 28 of my classmate: Planners, Managers, Copy Writers and Art Directors. And Jeff. To the mecca of my world. NYC for AdWeek. 

It all started with a redeye Sunday night and ended with a rejuvenated love for what I do. 

Yes...the week was filled with parties, pizza, performances and tons of fun. Yes I did get to bump heads with the big wigs. David Droga. Gorden Bowen. Russell Simmons. John Legend. Andrew Keller. To name a few. 

But the week was so much more. Its kind of hard to explain to an outsider. Every time someone asks me how New York was, I try to explain to them my feelings. But they just don't understand. Advertising is my love. It's so much more then selling product. Its about really making a difference in the world with the skill that I've been given. The Million excited kids about school. The Tap Project raised money for clean water around the world. The Trillion Dollar Campaign raised awareness for injustice in South Africa. In the words of David Droga "We have the responsibility to do good with our minds." 

Visiting agencies made me excited to get out there and make a difference. I got a taste of the culture of each agency. I definatly had my favorites...Droga 5, Naked, Grey and mcgarrybowen. But I did come to the conclusion, that I could go and thrive anywhere I get a job. My program has prepared me. I feel that I know the industry. That I have a hold of what is going on. I know how to present and how to work with clients. 

Yet there is so much I can still be doing. So many boundaries to push. So much unexplored territory. I still have a lot more growing to do before I finish school. When ever that is. 

Here are just a few of my favorite quotes from the week.

"Be a place that allows the best people to do the best creative work possible" W+K

"All good ideas start somewhere" W+K

"Make the most of the experiences you are given" mcgarrybowen

"Create movements with a purpose" Droga 5

"Reach people where they are" Droga 5

"Do the right thing for the brand" Naked

"There is a better way. People are your partner. Everything Communicates. See the full picture." Naked

"Be humble to ideas" McCann

"Tell an interesting story" McCann 

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Why can't my bank have these?

I would chose blue curacao. you?

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

day one and two.

So here is a fast rundown of everything that I've done so far...

Red Eye. 

Classes with Russell Simmons, Spike Jones and John Legend.

Time Square. 

Got lost on the subway. 

Harlem Gospel Choir, Bruno Mars and John Legend concert

Naked. I really want to work here. 

Brooklyn Bridge walk at night.  


Sketchy shopping on Canal Street. 

30 Rock. 

Union Square. 

Tons of Food. 

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Friday, September 24, 2010

so true

Thursday, September 23, 2010

the usual

Per email from Nic..."We'll be meeting in the conference room on the 3rd floor of the Brimhall. Dress: advertising cool."

Advertising cool?!?!?!

Stressing, I entailed my roomies to help me put together my best "advertising cool" outfit.

High waisted skirt and an oxford like I'm trying too hard.

Bootcut jeans and a polo...too preppy.

Tye die dress and Birkenstock...too hippie.

Final, I walk out the door in my usual. A v-neck, cardigan, skinny jeans and TOMS. Success.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

life's mantra

note to self: When life gets this. 

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new york state of mind

Sunday. Come. Fast. 

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Monday, September 20, 2010

future magic

I stole this from Emily. Its fabulous. And so is she. 

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Without maps. Thats how the true pioneers of the west did it. Along the way they got dirty and discovered what the authentic America has to offer. Stumbling across the Garden of the Gods and Arches. Find the uncharted course. All you need is your bike and a sense of adventure. Discover authenticity. 

Like I said. These are rought. I'm going to look at them again in the morning. See ya then.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010


thats the way I roll. 

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

dear creative writers...

I think that you are more dangerous then fresh RMs looking to get married. You will not be the next Stephanie Myers. Quit trying. Stop trying to break out of the norm and write about "scandalous" things. Quit talking about how BYU suppresses your creativity. I do not want to read another story about dragons or made up fantasy worlds. When I read your stuff I want to laugh. I never know what to in the review. Sometimes I want to take a big red pen and just write "VAMPIRES ARE NOT REAL" across your paper. I know that you all think that I'm a terrible writer. But hey...I've got social skills. I'll take that any day.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

white page massacre

Download now or preview on posterous
comm arts.pdf (10685 KB)

Here is my lastest work. Tell me what you think. 

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

pog wild

coming to a campus near you soon. 

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

a look into my future

as a spinster. I may own 100 cats and just let them run wild. Then again. That would smell really bad.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Detroit Lives

a long night

I would like to publicly thank my roommate Taralyn for the much needed Diet Coke. 

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010


My little brother is out peaching the gospel. His apartment has bed bugs and he doesn't even complain. What a stud. 

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Monday, September 6, 2010

So true

In the words of Miriam Blanco: "Good thing we can always defend our actions with "we're being creative" otherwise me and LJ would not be caught dead being where we are now"

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socially acceptable

I'm glad that I go to school in place where its socially acceptable to place a large game of twister in public places and its ok run around Campus Plaza in my most ghettorific outfit on a Sunday night. 

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Sunday, September 5, 2010


Jason Badley. A rock star in the advertising world. Winner of an Emmy, Clio and a Golden Lion graced us with his present. Here is the sum of everything that I learned. 

Stay Foolish.

Freestyle or die. 

Let Go.

Do something people with love.

Create strong, provocative relationships between consumers and products. 

Advertising is a weapon. Careful who you point it at. 

The Curriculum. Daily or weekly ambitious quantifiable goals with negative consequence for failure. 

Genius doesn't exist. Only hard work. 

No fear. 

Develop a critical for yourself. 

One day I hope to come back to BYU and someone blogs about me coming and teaching me. 

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

the hookup

thanks to the an AdLab client, I got awesome football season tickets. Check out the BYU Touchdown Club ahora. 

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Friday, September 3, 2010

old spice secret

I now know the secret of the jeans at the end of this spot. And no. I will not share.

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future reference

I want this as my wedding cake

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

words can't describe...

how amazing the new Arcade Fire interactive film is. 

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Monday, August 30, 2010

this always makes me smile

brought to you by the BYU AdLab

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Sunday, August 29, 2010


Dear FEC, 
    Please just love me. Love me even when I burn your grill cheese. Love me when I ruin your favorite shirt. Love me when the house is a mess. If I'm angry, mad, sad or stressed just hold me. I'm a crier. It makes me feel better. Don't try and fix it. Just tell me that you love me. Please go on bike rides with me and laugh at me when I wear tie dye and a poka dot skirt to church. Understand that my family is crazy. But they are everything I've got. My cousins are my best friends. I need to see them at least once a year. I also run on sunshine and Diet Coke. The ocean makes me happy. So does jumping on the bed. The Gospel brings me joy. I hope it makes you happy too. I want to have a square dance for our wedding reception. Complete with a caller. I sleep with a stuffed animal fish. I like NPR. I like to think that I can dance. I really like trashy TV. I hope after you read this you will still love me. In return, I promise to love you, grow old with you and to improve my cooking skills. 

The Future Mrs. Lauren

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

new semester

means new moleskines. 

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Friday, August 27, 2010

airport thoughts otra vez

1. Headphones where invented for a reason
2. I wish that the McDonald's in the airport had $1 Diet Cokes
3. You shouldn't try to check your email while you are eating fries
4. The security guy: "How fast do you get going on your longboard?"
Me: "Pretty Fast"
The security guy; "You must be a BA."
5. Texting makes waiting go by so much faster.6. Next time I'm in the airport I'll be on my way to NYC
7. Beyond stoked to get back to school and start flirting with the new awkward RMs
8. I have to have a legit portfolio ready to show by next Thursdays. The creator of the Old Spice "Smell like your Man" is coming to the AdLab. Get excited.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010


for the last three years I've asked for a longboard for my birthday. every year its the same response. "nope. you are going to end up hurting yourself." while this year my Dad finally decided that a $3 board from DI was worth it to shut me up. Trust me...I'm still going to end up hurting myself. But as for now, I'm happy.

P.S. I need someone in Utah to teach me. Any takers? 

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

tim toone

I called my Dad. And had this conversation.

Dad: Uncle Bill said that Tim Toone (The Lions' Wide Receiver) will probably be at Church tomorrow. 
Me: That's cool. Why are you telling this to me?
Dad: So you can get all dolled up tomorrow. 

And this is why I was at the store at 11 pm debating over ALMAY Intense i-color Volumizing Mascara or Neutrogena Weightless Volume Wax-Free Mascara. I think that it might be his dreadlocks.  

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you should write that down

Last night my Mom was my date to a wedding. I kept on having inspiration for what I want at my wedding. She got sick of listening to me and told me "You should write it down." So I'm going to write it down.

No Cake...I hate cake. Brownie Sundaes instead.
No Head Table. I don't want people watching me as I eat.
No first dance. Awkward.
Yes to having a Caller and some good old-fashion square dancing.
Yes to cookies. Philly Style.
No to a veil.
Yes to a photo booth.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

new favorite artist


This is my little brother Caj. He is a stud. Currently he leads his district for the most soccer goals. 6. Currently he is serving a mission in Argentina Bahia Blanca. and i am a loser and is mean to jackson

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

this one time....

I was eating a FiberOne Bar on the pool deck in between swim lessons. A little kid came up to me and said "Fiber makes you poop." The end. 

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Monday, August 16, 2010

copy for sale

Made courtesy of a Civil War printing press of Don Kilpatrick. Illustrator of "You Can't go to School Naked"

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Saturday, August 14, 2010


My sister is currently eating a tomato with ketchup on it. a lycopene overkill. 

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Friday, August 13, 2010

eery and beautiful

I'm headed home. To Detroit.

Check out this photo essay about Detroit. Eery, yet so beautiful. I love this city. 

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things I've learned this semester

-how to sew a button hole
-how to tell the difference between duplex and triple meter
-how to use a mac
-how to ride a dirt bike
-about space rocks
-how to make awesome sugar cookies

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

this made me giggle


I maybe the oldest in my family, but at 5'10 I'm the shortest. Even my fourteen year old sister bets me out. 

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