So once realizing how sick Carly Laga was we decided that we needed to get her to a hospital as soon as possible. Carly Tai said an amazing prayer asking that we would know what to do and how to communicate. I went to the bus station and bought the ticket to for our first leg of our trip. Even though the bus station was only a five minute walk away, we had to take a taxi because she couldn't walk. The first bus ride was miserable...Carly was throwing up. It was really curvy and narrow. Carly was such a trooper. Being sick...away from home, in a different country and not knowing where to find a doctor...would been the last of me. We arrived in Cuernavaca, at the wrong bus station. We took the a taxi to the right station, only to find out that we had a four hour wait. It was a crappy day, so I went to the grocery store to find American food to make me happy. Once getting back into Puebla, Monica's brother (a doctor), told us to take her to the hospital ASAP. We spend the next two days at the hospital. Turns out that she had giardia and a tapeworm. She is better now.

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