Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tres Americanos Negros

Last week after school, Carly Laga invited me to come to her house to watch a Basketball game (Her Papa is a coach and her brothers are way into it). Little did we know that we where going to the actual game. On the way there, Gibran told us that they had to import American for size. When we got there Carly's Papa said "Miran, tres Americanos negros." Translation--"Look, three black Americans." People here have no filter...they just say what they want, wither it is politically correct or not. The game was fun, we ate arroz con leche (Rice Pudding) and talked. We where talking with Gibran (Carly's older brother) about holding hands. I said that I had held hands with 8 people. Later in that night he grabbed my hand and told me "Now, its 9!" I was so confused about what was going on. He kept saying "How many Mexicans? How many Mexicans?"After the game we went down on the court, took pictures with the players and talked. As we where walking out, three Mexican boys came up and asked us if we where Mormons? It turns out that they had recognized us from the dance.