Sunday, November 1, 2009

You have got to be kidding me...

Over our last three day weekend, Carly, Amelia and I stayed in Puebla to celebrate their Papa's birthday. We started Saturday with a trip to our favorite place to see Americans...Walmart. After our friend Moroni invited us over to his house for a Mexican baraque. He tried to make all the food by himself, but failed. His Mom stepped in and saved the day. I love her. She kept on yelling at him in Spanish to get the fire started because we were hungry. I just love her. We gourged ourselves with barbaqued beef, chorizo (a bright orange susage) and day of the dead bread. Yummy!

After that we straight to the party of my Tio. I am using a Spanish keyboard so it is easier not to use contrations and to structure my sentence the Spanish way. They do not have apostrophes on the keyboard. There we ate more food and yummy cake. I love Mexican parties. They know how to do it up real big. Every party includes dancing. We taught them the Cha Cha Slide. We headed to bed around 11 and the party was just starting. Tio had just busted our the taquila. At about three in the morning, I was woken up by a mariachi band. I sat up and yelled "You have got to be kidding me!" They partied till I got for church at six. Seriously, they know how to party. When we got home from church, they were still partying. They then moved the party to ranch of my abuelo. I ate sheep stomach. For the first and last time. Gross! It was a serious twenty four hours of partying.